Making balanced choices

It is important to make decisions from a place of balance in your life, by taking a breath and checking in with heart and mind.

Each of the myriad decisions we make every day has the potential to have a deep impact on our lives.

Some choices touch us to our very cores, awakening potent feelings within us.

Others seem at first to be simple but prove to be confusingly complex.

We make the best decisions when we approach the decision-making process from a balanced foundation.

When we have achieved equilibrium in our hearts and in our minds, we can clearly see many alternatives.

Likewise, we can accept compromise as a natural fact of life. Instead of relying solely on our feelings or our rationality, we utilize both in equal measure, empowering ourselves to come to a life-affirming and balanced conclusion.

Balance within and balance without go hand in hand.

When we are called upon to choose between two or more options, whether they are attractive or distasteful, we can understand all we can about the choice ahead before moving forward.

In bringing our thoughts and emotions together during the decision-making process, we ensure we are taking everything possible into account before moving forward.

We have ample opportunity to determine which options are in accordance with our values.

If you doubt your ability to approach your options in a balanced fashion, take an extended time-out before responding to the decision. This gives the interlude needed to make certain that our thoughts and feelings are in equilibrium.

As we practice achieving balance, we ultimately reach a state of mind in which decisions can be easily made that honor every aspect of the self.

You got you…

Love & Blessings


Seeing Ourselves


Purpose of an Altar